Race Task Force
Join us at the next Race Task Force meeting to connect with Berkshire agencies and community members working to advance racial equity and justice throughout the county and beyond.
Race Task Force meeting time
First Monday of each month
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Ralph Froio Senior Center, Pittsfield MA
Please note: Due to COVID-19, meetings are held on Zoom.
Please email [email protected] for more information.
First Monday of each month
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Ralph Froio Senior Center, Pittsfield MA
Please note: Due to COVID-19, meetings are held on Zoom.
Please email [email protected] for more information.

The Race Task Force has bee convening with community leaders since 2010 to make visible the racial disparities in our County. We were formed in partnership with the Department Of Justice Community Service Relations of the United States Attorney's Office in the Civil Rights Division and the USAO Community Engagement Coordinator has an official seat at the table. We have held educational programs. led actions, catalyzed policy change and offered campaigns and opportunities for engagement primarily on a systemic level.
Meetings take place monthly with delegates from public safety, legal system, education, health and human services, along with political representatives, educators and dedicated Berkshire County residents. The Task Force is a network of agencies across sectors that have committed to staying vigilant, in communication and unified in action around racial disparities and racism in our county.
Residents are invited to participate to share issues, concerns and solutions. Employees are invited to identify like-minded Berkshire colleagues for network building.
To submit racial justice and equity concerns or issues, please email [email protected] to reach all members of the Race Task Force. We will discuss it on the next monthly agenda. If it is urgent, please contact the office and/or the local chapter of the NAACP.
Race Task Force members have adopted the following definition of RACISM (adapted from the PISAB): White Privilege + Economic & Social Power/Access + Racial Prejudice, and use the following systemic analysis on race and equity: Individual, Interpersonal, Cultural and Institutional to dismantle the political construct of race. The core values for this work are: trust, safety, and accountability in relationships, working towards transformation and liberation for all.
Click here to access the Race Task Force/TRJ Forum on Facebook.
For more information please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 413-394-4029
Meetings take place monthly with delegates from public safety, legal system, education, health and human services, along with political representatives, educators and dedicated Berkshire County residents. The Task Force is a network of agencies across sectors that have committed to staying vigilant, in communication and unified in action around racial disparities and racism in our county.
Residents are invited to participate to share issues, concerns and solutions. Employees are invited to identify like-minded Berkshire colleagues for network building.
To submit racial justice and equity concerns or issues, please email [email protected] to reach all members of the Race Task Force. We will discuss it on the next monthly agenda. If it is urgent, please contact the office and/or the local chapter of the NAACP.
Race Task Force members have adopted the following definition of RACISM (adapted from the PISAB): White Privilege + Economic & Social Power/Access + Racial Prejudice, and use the following systemic analysis on race and equity: Individual, Interpersonal, Cultural and Institutional to dismantle the political construct of race. The core values for this work are: trust, safety, and accountability in relationships, working towards transformation and liberation for all.
Click here to access the Race Task Force/TRJ Forum on Facebook.
For more information please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 413-394-4029
race task force goals and action steps
Race Task Force Commitments
Community leaders join to combat racism at the systemic level with the equity analysis and collective action.
2020 Actions
Stay informed about racism and advocate for racial justice and equity in our community action
Increase inclusion efforts throughout our county to meet basic needs for communities to thrive
Promote a diverse workforce
Support Berkshire youth and educators: Ensure students of all backgrounds have access to safe, supportive and healthy schools
Community leaders join to combat racism at the systemic level with the equity analysis and collective action.
2020 Actions
- Racial Disparities in Housing/Homelessness
- Food Access & Sovereignty
- Inclusive School Policy, Hiring and Diversified Curriculum (see School Committee questions from a 2018 TRJ meeting)
- Support Youth Leadership with DOJ SPIRIT Program
- Promote & support Town’s SPIRIT programs
- What a Difference A DA Makes WADDAM Campaign anchor partnership
- Not in Our County Campaign
Stay informed about racism and advocate for racial justice and equity in our community action
- Action: Mobilize the network to respond to incidents of discrimination and prejudice-by attending rallies, writing letters, mediating, educating.
- Support educational efforts conducted by BRIDGE
- Partner with media outlets to address equity and inclusion in accessible ways
Increase inclusion efforts throughout our county to meet basic needs for communities to thrive
- Action: Provide opportunities for continued discussion of racism issues by holding anti-racism events and activities
- Increase number of schools that participate in SPIRIT program and accountability practice in diversified staff and curriculum
- Expand cultural competency training in and workplaces and schools starting with preschool.
- Recognize individuals and agencies annually who demonstrate a commitment to reducing racism in our community.
Promote a diverse workforce
- Action: Assist in the creation of environments that supports a diverse workforce with policies and practices for creative recruiting (e.g. fact sheets and best practices, identifying local qualified potential employees, e.g. engaging with regional diversity employment agencies in collaboration with BRIDGE and other Task Force members)
- Create a report record for agencies that have increased diversity and retention at their workplace
- Connect potential candidates of diverse ethnic, cultural and racial backgrounds with local employers and support successful intentional integration.
Support Berkshire youth and educators: Ensure students of all backgrounds have access to safe, supportive and healthy schools
- Action: In coordination with BRIDGE and Race Task Force, bring the following questions to your local school committee. These questions were formulated by BRIDGE, based on an October 2018 community forum at our monthly TRJ-South meeting, and the participants’ requests of the School District. There were roughly 30 participants including representatives from local southern Berkshire-based non-profits like BRIDGE, CHP, Berkshire Pulse and RSYP. We were also joined by a school Committee member, faculty member and Superintendent in response to an incident with a confederate flag displayed on school grounds. Many attendees also were BHRSD parents and/or work directly with BHRSD youth.
- What efforts do you think should be made (or supported if they already exist) to increase diversity among faculty and school administration? And why? How would you make sure budget and effective planning and discourse happen to do this intentionally?
- Would you support the renaming of the middle school after W.E.B. Du Bois if it is clear there is significant town support? Is that a necessary step?
- What efforts do you believe this district should make in the area of diversifying its curriculum intentionally throughout the grades across faculty in an interdisciplinary approach? (We understand that there is now a new Soc Studies provision from DESE that allows more freedom in curriculum planning.)
- What skills do you think our students need in order to be effective global citizens prepared and able to respond to current social issues, get along with their current peers of diverse backgrounds and be prepared for increased diversity among their peers through primary secondary and their future careers?
- What policies should be in place when there is a disruption to community safety for students, such as the most recent incident? Communication? Training? Discussion? How can there be more focus on repair than protecting privacy—a policy about repair and circle and restorative practices being a district-wide commitment?
- How will you support faculty and staff in being culturally competent with effective equity and inclusion practices in all classrooms?
- Will you support Superintendent commitment in 2019 to have a SPIRIT program in your school district?
- Will you send a regular representative to BRIDGE’s monthly community-based racial justice meetings? There is the TRJ-South meeting at 7 PM the first Thursday of the month and/or also the county-wise Race Task Force the first Monday of the month in Pittsfield.
- How might the Not In Our County pledge serve as a catalyst or agreement in the School District?